Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 7 of what I am thankful for…

Today I am thankful for all those who have abandoned me. And I know what you are thinking right now…. I know it sounds crazy. But although being abandoned is always a painful process, it is one I have become accustomed to. You see, I have been abandoned so many times by so many people; people I loved, friends, family, at times even by myself. I was abandoned by own mother before I was even born. I have been abandoned by so many that I spent a good portion of my life de-valuing myself. Most of us have been abandoned at some point so we all know it is painful as hell. And yet we keep trusting anyway. I for a while thought it was because we are gluttons for punishment. But eventually it all began to make sense. From the moment I entered the race, the odds were stacked against me. I was at the starting line being told by the world that there was no point in running. But I ran anyway. And even though the race has been long at times and I have fallen so many times, I still keep getting back up. And even if I reach the finish line and the world still tells me I failed, it won’t really matter. That was never the point anyway. I’ve learned that I have nothing to prove to anyone. I’m running this race for me and because of all those that have abandoned me along the way, I am seasoned, I am faster, and I run the race smarter. Besides, I can’t give up now! In the words of Stuart Smalley, "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me."

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